It unfurls in moments, moments of gleam, of a twinkle in your eye, of hope, and ambitions, and joy
It unfurls in moments today, right now, of unspoken thoughts, and emotions, of expressed loves and dejection
It takes for a ride, riding the strong waves, the mind thinks it has all but figured out, with moments it has, and moments yet to be
Mind is but an elusive one, it makes you believe what you must, and unfurls its demons in the darkest times, mind it or don’t
The only way to escape it, is to know you are more than your mind
Life, it unfurls in moments of despair, in tears and in sorrows, and beneath all of the anguish, lies a you ready to be hopeful
To carry your Self with the bag of all your moments, to seek another one, another moment to lament, or another moment to rejoice,
Knowing it will be unknowable is Life
And in that knowing, to carry on with all your might is Living!